Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Media's Role

The Holy Father's message for World Communications Day highlights a couple of important ideas which are often overlooked when people reflect on the media or communication in general.

People grow or diminish in moral stature by the words which they speak and the messages which they choose to hear.

If I reflect on that statement, I wonder how much of my time is spent engaging in communication which is simply diminishing my and others' moral stature. Is the percentage of that time in wasted communication higher than the time spent communicating messages which grow moral stature in myself and others?

It is not so easy to resist commercial pressures or the demands of conformity to secular ideologies, but that is what responsible communicators must do.

Again, this statement cause me to reflect on whether I am being a responsible communicator. Or am I simply communicating a secular ideology by my words and, probably more importantly, my actions. It is easy to bash the commercial media, but I am the communicator that God has chosen for my circle of influence. Am I reflecting Christ or some watered-down version of Christianity that sounds good on paper, but is hypocritical in practice?

Posted by David at 6:35 PM  |  Comments (0)  | 


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