Wednesday, April 14, 2004
The Fullness of Faith  

Today marks the third anniversary of when my wife and I entered into the fullness of Faith. Three years ago, at the Easter Vigil, we were received into the Church as we received the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist. It was a beautiful and wonderful day which marked the beginning of our journey as Catholic Christians.

I continue to marvel at the magnificent Church which the Lord has given to us. It is so wide and deep and filled with His love for his creatures. I am grateful to Him for guiding me into His one, holy, catholic, apostolic Church. It is because of His mercy that I have been able to participate in the tremendous joys of being a Roman Catholic. He has also sustained me through the sorrows that have accompanied me in my journey. Like many converts, I have lost friends and family members through misunderstanding, ignorance, and, yes, hatred toward the Church which our Lord established.

I am thankful for the Catholics who have helped me along the way by their prayers, words, example, and deeds. I am also grateful for the priests who have been faithful to their vocation and at whose hands I have received graces as they administered the sacraments. Mother Angelica, her nuns and brothers, and the entire EWTN network staff played a very large role in my conversion. I will always be very thankful for them and their contributors and the beautiful apostolate of EWTN which God used to draw me into the fullness of faith. Thanks be to God for His provision and mercy. I pray that many others take the same journey as we have, and I hope in some small way to help a few along the way.

Posted by David at 8:19 AM  |  Comments (0)  | 


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