Monday, August 01, 2005
Papal Prayer Intentions for August  

General - That World Youth Day may inspire or reawaken in young people the desire to meet Christ and find in Him the guide of their own lives.

Missionary - That the priests, religious men and women, seminarians and laity from mission countries who are completing their formation in Rome, may find their stay in the 'Eternal City' a time of spiritual enrichment.

Speaking from first hand experience, the World Youth Day is a tremendous event. My wife and I had the opportunity to attend the last one in Toronto back in 2002. (Perhaps I would not pass for a youth per se, but it was an opportunity to see John Paul the Great which we did not want to miss.) In the first place, we really enjoyed Toronto. I had no idea that it was such a cosmopolitan city. Also, we found a great B&B for our lodging. It was near a number of the events, and we enjoyed the company of the other guests who were from far and wide. The conversation at breakfast was always lively, and I remember that the food was also very good.

Of course the events of World Youth Day were wonderful. The Stations of the Cross was an extremely powerful presentation. Very well done to move the heart. The final mass was also a moving experience. I remember that prior to the mass beginning it was absolutely pouring buckets for quite some time on the old air field where everyone was waiting for the Holy Father's arrival. As his helicopter approached the area, the sky began to clear. By the time mass was to start, the skies were clear. Quite an entrance, and undoubtedly an answer to prayer.

Posted by David at 11:59 PM  |  Comments (0)  | 


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