Thursday, November 17, 2005
Fr. Pavone's Pro-Life Podcast  

Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life has a new podcast to which you can easily subscribe in order to get a one-minute pro-life message every day. The podcast consists of his daily one-minute radio spots which air on a number of Christian radio stations throughout the United States including EWTN. Like most podcasts, there is no cost associated with subscribing to the podcast.

For more information and for the RSS feed click here. Or simply copy the following RSS feed into the software which you use for playing pocasts:

For those who might ask what podcasting is, I will offer a brief explanation. Podcasting is a way to produce audio or video programs which are distributed via a produce and subscribe method. The audio podcasts are produced as mp3 audio files.

Typically, in order to listen to the podcast, you subscribe to the podcast feed through software, such as iTunes or iPodder, which maintains your subscription. The software downloads the new productions from the feed in order to keep your subscription up-to-date. The idea is that unlike regular radio to which you must be tuned in to hear a program, you are able to partake of the latest program from your subscription on your time. Or you can easily listen to the program as often as you like.

If you have an iPod, you can update your podcast subscriptions and take your programs with you to listen wherever and whenever you want. However, you do not need to have an iPod to listen to the programs. Instead, you can simply have the files downloaded to your computer and listen to them off of your computer.

Posted by David at 2:30 AM  |  Comments (0)  | Link


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