Saturday, March 18, 2006
A Tragic One Year Anniversary  

A year ago today, the feeding tube from Terri Schiavo was removed. Over the next thirteen days, in order to put her to death, she was denied the basic necessities of food and water. Her death was the result of many factors. However, one of the most tragic causes was that although her case was widely known, there was not sufficient will to prevent her death. Some might argue that all the powers that could have stopped her being put to death did not have the ability to intervene. After all, it might be noted, every avenue of government was pursued, and none of them were able to save her life.

The problem, however, was not the lack of effort to try to save the life of Terri Schiavo. There were many who worked very hard to stop those who were determined to murder Terri Schiavo. No, the problem was a lack of will on the part of those who were being asked to intervene. There was not enough will to do what was necessary to save the life of a woman who did not need to die. Certainly, there were many in positions of power who tried to change the outcome of the situation. Nonetheless, there was not a sufficient collective will to push back the culture of death by preventing the deliberate killing of an innocent woman.

As many will note in various ways, the lack of a collective will to prevent this tragedy is one of the terrible realizations that came out of Terri Schiavo's death. For perhaps the first time, some of us understood that, yes, it is possible for such an event to occur. It is possible for an innocent, disabled woman to be put to death, not in the shadows, but in the light of public scrutiny. Up until that time, many Americans might have thought that the hue and cry raised against such an action would be sufficient to prevent her tragic death. The reality that splashed us in the face, is that public scrutiny was not sufficient to stop her death.

Many of us did not grow up thinking that the culture of death had such deep roots in American culture. Nor is this a reality which many of think should continue to represent the culture of the United States. Consequently, as we note this tragic anniversary, we are faced with a fresh reminder that Terri Schiavo's fight continues. Against difficult odds and constant opposition, she fought for her life for so many years. She continued to fight even when her feeding tube was removed. We must honor her and all those who like her are in a vulnerable position between life and death.

The best way that I can think to honor her memory is for us to be strong proponents of a culture of life in every aspect of our lives. Through conscience acts of the will to act in a way that promotes life, even in the smallest details of our lives, we can make a tremendous difference. All of our choices to choose life over death will add up and begin to make a difference. This difference will lead to a greater collective will to promote a culture of life. And through such a collective will, we may be able to reverse the trend toward acceptance of deaths like Terri Schiavo's and instead be a people that embraces all life, even the life of a disabled woman who wills to live.

For more information vist Blogs for Terri.

Posted by David at 8:19 AM  |  Comments (0)  | Link


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