As part of LG's daily lesson, we have a brief session in the morning routine which is called Calendar Connection. The idea which we received from
1+1+1=1, is to have a brief daily piece of information on a particular theme for the month. In the past, we have had covered monthly themes on the weather, Thanksgiving, astronomy, ocean life, and botany, This year, I have been making my own. September was dedicated to the Apostles, and October has been about angels.
After a few days providing general information about angels, the rest of the days in the month have been about angels appearances in the Bible. It is quite amazing to see how often throughout salvation history, God has sent his special messengers to intervene in human affairs.
Of course, the most amazing and well-known appearance of angel was at the Annunciation to our Blessed Mother. In a few weeks time, we will begin the Advent season which will be followed by the Christmas season. During those two seasons, the familiar passage from the first chapter of Luke's Gospel will be read many times during the liturgy. It might be fruitful to use those opportunities to meditate on God's angels whom He calls to help us in many ways known and unknown to us. Perhaps, we might even ask our guardian angel to have a greater appreciation of him and for how the Lord works through these special messengers. Also, it is a good idea to often thank your guardian angel for his assistance and prayers and to thank our Lord for this special minister of His grace that He has given to each one of us.
(By the way, I hope to make the calendar connections I have made, including the one on angels, available soon for those who might be interested.)
Posted by David at
9:00 AM
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