Monday, January 11, 2016
New Calendar Cards: Angels in the Bible and the Apostles  

I am excited to announce that two new sets of Calendar Cards have recently been completed, and they are now available on Etsy and Teacher's Pay Teachers.  The two sets are Angels in the Bible and the Apostles.

Both are sets of 31 flash cards with a piece of artwork on one side and interesting information on the reverse side.  They are available in a PDF format and can be printed out in order to make the flash cards.  They can also simply be used in the PDF format.

Angels in the Bible Calendar Cards

The Angels in the Bible Calendar Cards are a fun way to learn about the important role of angels in the Bible. There are several introductory cards for the first several days which answer the questions of who are the angels, where are the angels, how many angels are there, and what is their role. The remaining cards in the set of 31 cards go through selected stories in the Bible in which angels appear.

Some of the stories over the 31 days include passages from the Bible where Abraham, Moses, Gideon, Elijah, Mary, Joseph, and Peter encounter angels.  The Bible reference for each story is included in a separate table.  Also, a prayer to your Guardian Angel is provided which is suitable for print out and display.


Angels in the Bible Days 1 through 6 FrontAngels in the Bible Days 1 through 6 Back

Angels in the Bible Day 16 FrontAngels in the Bible Day 16 Back

The Apostles Calendar Cards

The Apostles Calendar Cards are a great way to introduce students to the twelve apostles of Jesus. Through 31 days of calendar cards, students are provided fascinating information about each of the 12 apostles. There are two cards for each apostle which provide biographical information about the apostle, the apostle's feast day, some patronages and symbols of the apostle, and what the apostle did after Pentecost.

Apostles Calendar Card Days 1 through 6 FrontApostles Calendar Card Days 1 through 6 Back

Apostles Calendar Card Day 11 FrontApostles Calendar Card Day 11 Back

Both sets of cards include information about the artwork displayed on the front of each card.  In a separate table at the end, the title, artist, date, and current location of each piece of artwork is listed.

With 31 cards in each set, these can be used for any month of the year or simply used as flash cards for learning about angels and the Apostles.


Posted by David at 9:30 PM  |  Comments (0)  |