Saturday, October 08, 2016
See Your Dreams Come True  

We All Have Dreams

I have yet to meet someone who does not have at least one dream.  Each person carries within him or her a dream (or dreams) of doing something that makes a difference in that person's life and the lives of others.  Many people know what that dream is, but it seems that many have lost touch with that dream.  Over time, the dream has been buried under disappointment, daily life, fear, and striving for what is not the real dream.  However, it is never too late to uncover that dream and turn it into a reality.  One way to do that is to present that dream to your mind as a picture it sees until it becomes a reality.

Dreams that we have for our lives are not unlike dreams that we have in our sleep.  Many times the dreams that we have at night are simply manifestations of our minds processing what we are subconsciously thinking.  Our minds take the raw materials of what we have seen and process those things in a new way that we experience as a dream while we sleep.  The point is that our brains continue to work even when our body is sleeping in order to help us in the moment and as we move into the future.  Our mind is working to help us make sense of our lives while we are awake and while we are asleep.

Often times our dreams can be quite vivid.  Who has not had a dream that was so vivid that you thought it was real?  The picture in your mind was as real to you as what you see when you are awake.  How is that possible?  It is is possible because you actually see with your mind even when you are awake.  The images captured by your eyes are sent to your brain in order for your brain to make them into what you “see”.

How to See Your Dreams Become True

With this understanding of your subconscious mind working to understand your life and the fact that your brain is what actually helps you “see”, we can use these concepts to help our dreams become a reality.  One way to do this is to put in front of your mind images of what you would like to see manifested in your own life.  By doing that, you are presenting to your mind the material it will use to help make what it sees actually happen in your life.  The idea is to feed your mind with what you want in order to use the power of your mind to help bring that about in your life.

There are many methods of accomplishing this, and I am going to suggest one that you can use.  The method is quite straightforward.  Simply find images of your dreams and spend a brief amount of time looking at those images each day.   For instance, if one of your dreams is to share your story with others in order that they can learn from you, you should find an image of how you visualize that occurring.  Maybe you want to speak to students to share your story.  Find a picture on the Internet of someone speaking passionately to students and print it out.  Then at least twice a day, preferably in the morning soon after you have awoken and right before you go to bed, look at the picture and think about you being that person in the picture who is helping the students by telling them your story. 

As you spend time feeding this image to your mind, you help your subconscious mind to begin to make it actually happen.  The power of that idea fed as an image to your mind will be the raw material that helps your dream become a reality.  You will start to overcome barriers that you have set up such as fear of public speaking or wondering why students would listen to you.  Eventually, you will find that your life has become the image and you are actually speaking in front of students sharing your story.

Does this sound too good to be true?  It is not.  It happens all the time in your life right now.  What you spend time thinking about is what your life looks like.  If you think about cooking and recipes and watch cooking shows, you probably find yourself in the kitchen cooking and baking.  You do not consider this too good to be true.  All that happens is that what you think about is what you end up doing.  You start to take action by buying cooking equipment and ingredients.  You socialize with people interested in cooking.  You start to share your cooking with family and friends.  You try new recipes.  You start to just happen to come across things of interest to you in cooking.  The same can be true for any of your dreams.  All you are doing is making a conscience decision as to what you want to place in front of your mind in order to manifest it in your life.

Once you begin the process, you might want to expand it to several key areas in your life.  The earlier example about talking to students might fall under the category of Vocation or your calling.  (I prefer the term Vocation rather than Work Life, as your calling should include your work life and other areas to which you felt called to spend your time.)  I would suggest finding images that represent the dreams you have for the following areas in your life:
  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Health
  • Vocation
  • Lifestyle/Travel
  • Social
  • Generosity
  • Spiritual
  • Personal Development
You can organize these images in one place such as a poster board.  (These are often termed a vision board.)  By placing the images on the board, you have a handy device that you can view at least twice a day spending no more than a few minutes viewing the images.  There are certainly other ways to organize the images, and what you choose should make it easy for you to insure that you do it twice every day and that the images stay in good shape.

How to Add Jet Fuel to the Process

In order to make the process a huge success, you need to add an important ingredient.  That key ingredient is emotion.  As you look at the images you want to manifest in your life, you should think about how it feels to already have that in your life.  For instance, as you look at the picture of the person speaking to the students, feel what you imagine you would feel as you spoke to those students.  You would be excited, passionate, compassionate, and loving.  You want what is best for those students, and you are giving of yourself to them.  You might also feel proud of yourself for achieving this goal.

Adding positive emotions is like adding jet fuel to the process.   What you think about with emotion carries greater weight in your mind.  Think about that from your past.   Memories often have emotions surrounding them that make them much more poignant.  And, the emotions are what might make the memory one that is stronger than another memory.  In addition, often when you are experiencing a certain emotion you remember particular memories.  When you are happy, you will think about happy memories, and when you are sad, you might think of sad memories.  By associating positive emotions with you want to manifest in your life, you are telling your mind that having this come about will make you happy.


Your dreams are an important part of who you are, and it is imperative that you pursue your dreams until they become a reality in your life.  By spending time each day thinking and feeling about images which represent your dreams, you are feeding your mind what it needs in order to help manifest those dreams in your life.  The more that you focus on your dreams, the more you will do or have happen in your life that move you to the ultimate fulfillment of your dreams.

Posted by David at 7:30 AM  |  Comments (0)  | 

Saturday, October 01, 2016
The Write Way to Get More Done  

Everyone is busy these days, and we all want to find that additional time to get everything done. Time is a precious resource, and no matter what we might wish for, we only have twenty-four hours in a day. There is no use looking for more hours. Instead, the key is to use our hours in a more efficient manner. The most important way to be more efficient is to be clear about how we spend our hours.

One way to develop that clarity of purpose is to have written goals. Many time management experts note that you are more likely to accomplish what you want to complete by writing it down on paper. The very simple exercise of writing down your goals provides that clarity of purpose that helps you be more efficient. As a Dominican University study noted, those who wrote down their goals were more likely to achieve those goals than those who did not write down their goals. Given this, it seems that it only makes sense to begin a habit of writing down your goals.

Right now, you might think to yourself that you already keep a “To Do” list and be ready to move on to reading something else. The difference is that if you keep a “To Do” list you are still not focusing on your goals. At best, your “To Do” list is simply very short term goals. And each day, you and I get caught up in trying to complete those short term goals. There is nothing wrong with that as we all need to complete tasks that include buying groceries, replacing the light bulb in the hallway, and getting new glasses. The problem is that it does not help us with clarity about long term goals which are the goals that matter and give more meaning to our lives. If we clarify those big goals, we can keep everything else in perspective and not feel frustrated that we are just keeping our heads above water.

How should you do that? Let me suggest one simple three-step method that is easy to follow and can become a vital habit in your efficiency and success.

Step One

The first step is simply to write down your goals on a piece of paper. Write down ten to twenty long term goals. The goals should be written in the present or past tense as if you have already accomplished the goal. Also, the goals should be specific. The more specific you write your goals, the better. For instance, here are some sample goals:

  1. I own a Honda Accord.
  2. I have taken my family on a trip to Rome.
  3. I am the director of sales.
  4. I am an author of a book on selling.
  5. I have a brand new deck out the back door.
  6. I speak Spanish.
  7.  ...
Then put down a deadline next to each goal. The deadline should be an actual date (09/20/2017) not a time span such as a year from now.
  1. I own a Honda Accord by November 30, 2017.
  2. I have taken my family on a trip to Rome by August 31, 2017.
  3. I am the director of a sales by September 30, 2017.
  4. ...

At this point in time you can congratulate yourself as you have done something that only 10% of the American population has done—produced a written list of goals.

Step Two

The next step is take your list and review it twice a day. You should review it once in the morning and once before you go to bed. As you review the goals, you might want to read them out loud. More importantly, read them with the feeling that you will have when you have accomplished the goal. Imagine how you will feel and what you will experience when your goal has been accomplished. You should create a mental picture of living with your accomplished goal. For example, you should picture yourself behind the wheel of your Honda Accord as you drive down the road. Or think about sitting in your new office as the director of sales.

An optional way to review this is to write your lists every morning. This daily approach is helpful in two important ways. First, every day, you go through that important exercise of physically writing down your goals with pen and paper. There is something vitally important about that physical connection with your hand and your mind that helps get the goal completion process going. It is the beginning of the process by which your goal will be met. Namely, what your mind thinks of will be accomplished by your hands. It starts with your hand writing down your mind's idea.

The second benefit of writing new lists each day is that you keep your list of goals fresh. Your list of your ten to twenty long term goals might change over time. If you do not recall all of your goals, your mind is simply deprecating the ones you do not remember in order to make room for ones that are more important to you at that moment. In addition, your mind might be clarifying your goal. For instance, instead of adding a back deck, you decide you would rather add a garage to protect your Honda Accord.

Congratulate yourself again. You have now started doing something that only 5% of Americans do—reviewing your written goals.

Step Three

This last step is optional. However, it can help jump start the process of accomplishing your goals. The process of goal writing and reviewing the goals each day using a vivid imagination works by placing these goals in your subconscious mind. Once your goals are in your subconscious mind, your mind begins to work on how to accomplish the goals. The next thing you know you start drawing people and things to yourself that guide you to completing your goal.

The way to jump start that process is to pick one of your long term goals and begin to write down at least 20 actions that you can take to accomplish that goal. For this activity, you might want to pick a goal that will have the most important impact upon your life. Take out a fresh piece of paper and write that goal at the top. Then in a manner similar to brain storming, simply write 20 actions that will help you reach that goal. Another tip is to make it fun. Here is a sample:

I have taken my family on a trip to Rome by August 31, 2017.
  1. Setup an automatic payment that saves money to a trip account.
  2. Research plane tickets for flying to Rome.
  3. Speak with Mary and John who went to Rome a few years ago.
  4. Research the places we would want to see when we are in Rome.
  5. Look at options for where to stay.
  6. Get the kids excited to go on the trip by setting up a trip fund jar in the kitchen. Any spare change is put in the jar. Check the jar every so often and plan to use it to buy gelato once you get to Rome.
  7. Get everyone thinking about Italy by eating Italian food, watching shows on traveling to Rome, and learning some simple Italian phrases.


In order to get more done, you need clarity about what you are trying to get done. One effective way to gain clarity is to have clearly defined written goals which are specific and have a deadline. These goals should be long term goals that have a major impact upon your life. In addition to writing them down, these goals should be reviewed in the morning and the evening every day. As you train your mind to clarify what you want, you will keep focused on your goals and become better at prioritizing everything else that competes for your time and attention.

Posted by David at 7:30 AM  |  Comments (0)  |