Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Sacred Heart Novena  

Today begins the novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus which culminates in the Feast of the Sacred Heart on June 3. I have included a prayer for an intention on the right panel. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a particular devotion to our Lord. All Christians, and even some non-Christians, have devotion to Jesus. It is the essence of Christianity to express devotion to Jesus Christ the God-man.

By focusing on His heart we acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the Incarnation of the second Person of the Trinity. He became man. Thus, He has a human heart. Second, devotion to His Sacred Heart focuses on Christ's love for us. The heart as a symbol of love should be of special devotion because He is God; He has an infinite love for each one of us. It is a heart which desires the absolute best for us, and it is a heart which is capable of assisting us in receiving His love and sharing our love with Him and others.

Finally, the Sacred Heart is the heart which shed blood to blot out sins. It was pierced by the soldier's lance. Blood and water poured fourth from our Lord's heart (Jn. 19:34). The blood from His Heart is the blood of the New Covenant which is being shed for many for the forgiveness of sins (Mt. 26:28). And it is in the Eucharist that our Lord's Holy Sacrifice is re-presented. In this gift to us, He gives Himself completely. He gives us His Sacred Heart. And by His grace, we are able to receive Him and ease the wound of His Sacred Heart for our sins and the sins of the whole world.

Posted by David at 1:44 AM  |  Comments (0)  | 


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