In a papal document dated November 21st of this year, the Holy Father explains beautifully the essence of the Christian faith--a vibrant friendship with Jesus Christ who is able to meet all of our deepest needs. The Holy Father shares with the Dutch youth to whom he addressed the document, several ways to develop a relationship with Christ including adoration, confession, and praying the rosary. I was moved by Pope Benedict XVI's ability to describe a friendship with Christ in such appealing words.
Dear friends, Jesus is your true friend and Lord; enter into a relationship of true friendship with him! He is expecting you and in him alone will you find happiness.
How easy it is to be content with the superficial pleasures that daily life offers us; how easy it is to live only for oneself, apparently enjoying life! But sooner or later we realize that this is not true happiness, because true happiness is much deeper: We find it only in Jesus.
As I said in Cologne, "The happiness you are seeking, the happiness you have a right to enjoy, has a name and a face: it is Jesus of Nazareth" (Address at the Poller Rheinwiesen Wharf, Aug. 18, 2005; L'Osservatore Romano English edition, Aug. 24, p. 4).
I therefore invite you every day to seek the Lord, who wants nothing more than for you to be truly happy. Foster an intense and constant relationship with him in prayer and, when possible, find suitable moments in your day to be alone in his company. If you do not know how to pray, ask him to teach you, and ask your heavenly Mother to pray with you and for you.
The recitation of the rosary can help you learn the art of prayer with Mary's simplicity and depth. It is important that you make participation in the Eucharist, in which Jesus gives himself for us, the heart of your life. He who died for the sins of all desires to enter into communion with each one of you and is knocking at the doors of your hearts to give you his grace.
Go to the encounter with him in the Blessed Eucharist, go to adore him in the churches, kneeling before the tabernacle: Jesus will fill you with his love and will reveal to you the thoughts of his Heart. If you listen to him, you will feel ever more deeply the joy of belonging to his Mystical Body, the Church, which is the family of his disciples held close by the bond of unity and love.
You will also learn, as the Apostle Paul says, to let yourselves be reconciled with God (cf. 2 Corinthians 5:20). Especially in the sacrament of reconciliation, Jesus waits for you to forgive you your sins and reconcile you with his love through the ministry of the priest. By confessing your sins humbly and truthfully, you will receive the pardon of God himself through the words of his minister.
What a great opportunity the Lord has given us with this sacrament to renew ourselves from within and to progress in our Christian life! I recommend that you make good use of it all the time!
Dear friends, as I said to you above, if you follow Jesus, you will never feel lonely because you are part of the Church, which is a great family in which you can grow in true friendship with so many brothers and sisters in the faith scattered in every part of the world. Jesus needs you to "renew" contemporary society.
Take care to grow in the knowledge of the faith in order to be its authentic witnesses. Dedicate yourselves to understanding Catholic doctrine ever better: Even if at times in looking at it with the eyes of the world it may seem a difficult message to accept, in it is the answer that satisfies your basic questions.
Trust your pastors and guides, bishops and priests; become actively involved in the parishes, movements, associations and ecclesial communities to experience together the joy of being followers of Christ, who proclaims and gives truth and love. And truly impelled by his truth and love, you will be able, together with other young people who are seeking the true meaning of life, to build a better future for all.
Dear friends, I am close to you with my prayers. May you generously accept the call of the Lord, who holds up to you great ideals that can make your lives beautiful and full of joy. You can be certain of it: Only by responding positively to his appeal, however demanding it may seem to you, is it possible to find happiness and peace of heart.
May the Virgin Mary accompany you on this journey of Christian commitment, and may she help you in all your good resolutions. Source: Zenit
Open Book
Posted by David at
3:28 AM
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This blog has entered into a state of hibernation. I do not know how long the slumber will last, but similar to the hibernation of some animals there will probably be an occasional awakening from sleep in order to post an entry or two.
Although the blog is in hibernation, I am not. Actually, quite the contrary. And that is probably the biggest reason that the blog is in hibernation. How often have we asked somebody to do something and the response has been that the something could not be done because the person is busy? On its face, it is really a very poor excuse. The real reason that underlies the "busy" excuse is that the person will not do something because the person does not consider it a priority. That is my reason for infrequent posting. As much as I enjoy writing posts, there are a number of other things in my life which are a much higher priority than this blog. For now, I need to devote more of my time in these areas, and I am not left with enough time to post. Perhaps the new year will see an increase in the amount of time available for the blog. Right now, however, I could use some sleep...
Posted by David at
7:40 AM
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