I was reminded by a commenter that I had written about the Pope's address to young people at Blonie Park in Krakow when he was in Poland last month. (By the way the commenter is TheresaMF, who is graduate of the tremendous Christendom College and whose blog
Destination: Order is listed in my list of Blogs of Interest. Also, she could use our prayers as she is discerning a vocation to the Dominicans. Click
here to read more.) The theme of the Holy Father's talk regarded the parable at the end of the Sermon on the Mount where are Lord speaks about the wise and the foolish man (Matthew 7:24-27). The foolish man builds his house upon the sand, and the wise man builds his house upon the rock. The storms test the houses of both men. Only the wise man's house survives the storms. I wrote
a bit about how these theme really meant much to me because of my own understanding of how I desire a home.
Her reminder about my post seemed quite apropos because as it turns out one of the reasons that I have not been posting over the past weeks has been because my wife and I are trying to purchase a home. We are set to close at the end of July, but one of the contingencies in our contract is that we are able to rent our current home. Consequently, we have been busy getting our house in order (so to speak) in order to show it to potential renters. I would appreciate your prayers for God to provide us with a good renter. Since we have never been landlords this is all a bit daunting. However, it seems like this is what should be the next step. And truly this has been one small step at time while trying to trust God and to discern His Will. Thanks for your prayers.
Posted by David at
11:59 PM
Comments (2)

Thanks for the mention!
Also, at least on my watch, if I pull the little knob out half way, then when I turn it one way the date moves, and when I turn it the other way the day moves. Maybe yours is something similar. :)
I'll say a prayer that you get a good renter. Hmm, who would be a good heavenly intercessor for that? *wanders off to look it up*
Thanks for the tip on the watch and your prayers.
I found the instructions for the watch, and it is similar to how you described the knob pulling out to a half way point to adjust the date.
I pray that your discernment process continues to go well.
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